Lion’s Gate 8-8-8 Activation with Ra-Ja

In this video, I channel my spirit guide, Ra-Ja, during the powerful Lion’s Gate portal on 8-8-8 in 2024.

This is a time when the energy from the cosmos is incredibly strong, making it a perfect moment for receiving guidance and activation from Sirian energy, especially for Sirian Starseeds.

You will:

  • Receive direct messages and activation from my spirit guide Ra-Ja, infused with Sirian energy to assist you on your spiritual journey.
  • Better understand your purpose and how the Lion’s Gate energy, coupled with Sirian activation, can support your spiritual evolution.
  • Learn how to use the high energy of this time to raise your vibration, align with your true self, and integrate the potent Sirian frequencies.

Ra-Ja generally comes through in my private one-on-one sessions, offering guidance and healing tailored to each person’s journey. However, I’ve also created some recordings where you can connect with her teachings anytime. Here’s a playlist I put together on YouTube where you can listen to Ra-Ja’s wisdom whenever you need it.

Would you like to know what advice Ra-Ja has specifically for you?  Schedule a one-on-one reading session with Ra-Ja. She’ll help you uncover your spiritual gifts, understand your true purpose, and gain the clarity you’ve been searching for.

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