Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Intuitive Reading?

An Intuitive Reading, also known as an Energy Reading, Psychic Reading, Akashic Records Reading, or simply Reading, is a personal session where I read the energy in your chakras and aura and consult with your Spirit Guides and/or your Akashic Records to uncover information that you would otherwise not have access to.

The goal is to help you make better decisions and live a life that matches your values and desires.

A Reading can help you in many ways:

  • Overcome fear and anxiety
  • Discover your spiritual abilities and gifts
  • Learn about your purpose and mission
  • Improve relationships, clear finiancial block and become healthier

No matter what area of your life you need clarity on—relationships, career choices, personal and spiritual growth, parenting, or anything else—I am here to offer guidance and support.

A Reading can help you overcome fear and anxiety, discover your spiritual abilities and gifts, and gain insights and guidance on your life journey. It can also help you understand your purpose, relationships, and personal growth

Whether you’re seeking clarity about relationships, career choices, personal and spiritual growth, parenting, or another aspect of your life, I am here to provide you with guidance and support.

Why get a Reading?

The purpose of an intuitive reading is to provide guidance and insights into your life, including your past, present, and future helping you gain clarity and understanding about your current situation, as well as provide guidance and direction for your future.

How can a Reading help me?

A Reading can help you:

✅ Gain a deeper understanding of your unique life purpose and how to align your life with your true calling.

✅ Develop your psychic and intuitive abilities, learn how to trust your inner guidance, and make empowered decisions.

✅ Overcome limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns that are holding you back

✅ Heal past traumas and emotional wounds, so that you can free yourself from the grip of the past and move forward with greater clarity and peace.

✅ Discover and release subconscious blocks that are preventing you from achieving your goals and living your best life.

✅ Deepen your connection to spirit and your own inner wisdom, feeling more grounded, centered, and spiritually aligned.

✅ Learn practical tools for self-care, stress reduction, and emotional regulation, improving your overall well-being and quality of life.

✅ Cultivate healthier relationships, setting boundaries and learning effective communication skills to enhance your connections with others.

✅ Develop a plan for achieving your goals and creating the life you truly desire, with specific action steps and ongoing support.

✅ Gain insights into your soul’s journey and the greater meaning and purpose of your life experiences.

With a Reading you can:

✅ Overcome fear and anxiety

✅ Find inner peace and harmony

✅ Live a life of purpose and meaning

✅ Let go of attachment to the past and stop worrying about the future

✅ Pursue personal growth and self-improvement

✅ Make decisions and solve problems effectively

✅ Improve intuition and psychic abilities

✅ Determine career and work direction

✅ Improve relationships with yourself and family members

✅ Develop healthy romantic relationships

✅ Grow your creativity and find inspiration

✅ Forgive and release past traumas and heal emotionally

✅ Learn about various spiritual techniques you can use in your daily life

✅ Feel better when facing uncertainty and the unknown

✅ Receive knowledge and wisdom from your Spirit Guides

✅ Practice self-care and self-love

✅ Set boundaries and practice self-care

✅ Build self-confidence and self-esteem

✅ Manifest your goals and dreams

and more!

How do I know I need a Reading?

If you are experiencing any of the following then a Reading session may be for you:

✅ Seeking clarity about your life purpose, soul-path or mission

✅ Seeking guidance on how to move forward in a specific situation

✅ Struggling to make decisions or feeling indecisive

✅ Feeling stuck or blocked in your personal or professional life

✅ Experiencing recurring patterns or challenges in your relationships

✅ Feeling called to explore your spiritual gifts or psychic abilities

✅ Feeling anxious or stressed about the future

✅ Seeking guidance on how to move forward in a specific situation

✅ Seeking validation or confirmation about a decision or direction

✅ Seeking to deepen your spiritual practice or connection to the divine

✅ Feeling disconnected from your creativity or inspiration

✅ Feeling a lack of purpose or fulfillment in your life

✅ Seeking to enhance your personal growth and development

✅ Feeling a need for more balance or harmony in your life

✅ Seeking closure or resolution from a past event or trauma

✅ Experiencing a sense of unexplained energy, vibration, synchronicity, or coincidence

✅ Seeking guidance on how to improve your relationships with yourself and loved ones

✅ Seeking insight into a personal challenge or obstacle

✅ Seeking to deepen your connection to your authentic self.

and more!

Can I ask questions during my Reading?

Definitely, it is also helpful to write down your questions ahead of time so that you do not forget what you want to ask. Also, maintaining energetic integrity with every intuitive reading is of utmost importance to me. You can ask me questions about your relationship with someone for the purposes of healing yourself and/or the relationship. However, I will not look into the personal life of another person, as that would be a violation of their privacy. I also will not answer medical, legal, or financial questions that are best answered by a professional in the respective field.

Can an Energy Reading predict the future?

Sometimes Spirit will share the most likely scenario but I do not predict the future because it locks you into one possibility and makes aware you right to choose. My goal is to provide you with information that will empower you to make your own choices and decisions and put you in control of your life. For this reason, I will not answer “yes/no” or “when” questions, such as “When will I meet the man of my dreams” or “Will I get that job”.  However, I will help you understand what you can do to attract the right person or improve your chances of getting the job that you want, as this information will give you more control over your life and will help you make better decisions.

Can you talk to my relatives on the other side?

Sometimes your loved one will come through. However, if you specifically want to talk to your loved ones in spirit form, then you need to see a specialist – a medium.

What happens during a Reading

We begin with a discussion about your intention, purpose, and goals for the session. This enables me to customize the intuitive reading to cater to your unique needs and desires. I then connect with both my own and your Spirit Guides and ask you to state your name three times – so that I can tune into your energy. I share with you the information that I receive and answer any specific questions you have. Finally, I summarize the key insights and recommendations, giving you the chance to ask any final questions and receive additional support, if necessary.

How do I prepare for a Reading?

It is important to set an intention and have a clear understanding of what you hope to gain from the experience. Take some time to reflect on what questions or issues you want to address during the intuitive reading. Having a clear intention can help you get the most out of your session and focus on what is important to you.

How do I make the most of my Reading session?

To get the most out of your intuitive reading, it is important to know why you are getting the intuitive reading and what you would like to achieve through the reading. I recommend you take notes during the intuitive reading as I share a lot of information and you won’t remember all of it. If you would like the intuitive reading to be recorded, please let me know. If you have specific questions, I recommend you write them down prior to the intuitive reading so that you do not forget what you wanted to ask. The main purpose of an intuitive reading is to gain insight and guidance about a particular situation or issue, so you must be willing to take action on the information received.

What if what you are telling me does not make sense?

It is important to keep an open mind during the intuitive reading and be willing to receive the information that comes through but ultimately, you are in control of your own life and have the power to make your own decisions. If you disagree with something I have said or require clarification please speak up. I am always open to receiving feedback. Keep in mind, that in the spirit world time does not work in a linear fashion and so some of the information you receive may not initially make sense. Many clients have told me that certain information from their intuitive reading started to make sense only after a period of three, four, or even five years.

What should I do after a Reading?

After an intuitive reading, it is important to reflect on the information received and consider how it can be integrated into your life. To get the most benefit, you must be willing to take action on the information received or at least file it away for the future.

How often should I have a Reading

Most of my new clients will see me for 3-5 sessions as we work through their initial issues and then will come in monthly to make sure that they are staying on track and continuing their healing journey. Some clients come in weekly, others – whenever they feel called. It’s really up to you and what you need.

How do I pay and what is your cancellation policy?

I accept Paypal, Venmo, Zelle, and cash. Your payment must be received at the time that we schedule your appointment. If you need to cancel or reschedule, please give me a 48-hour notice. I understand that life happens and last-minute cancellations may be unavoidable. I will do my best to reschedule your appointment but if you cancel your session the day of the appointment then your refund will be 50% because I will not have enough time to fill up that time slot.

Anything else I need to know?

Because I am a healer, energy work is present in all of my sessions – as are my guides, your guides, and other high vibrational beings. Although we may schedule your session weeks in advance, your healing will start as soon as you make your appointment and you will feel things shifting even before the session. You may experience heightened emotions and changes in your life. If you feel anxious or scared, don’t worry, this is normal and it’s a good sign because it means that your healing has begun. This happens change is very scary to your Ego, and so the Ego may try to prevent it by giving you anxiety. Do not worry, just take a deep breath and continue with your normal routine. This feeling will go away as soon as we begin the session.

NOTE: A reading session is not a substitute for professional medical, psychological, legal, or other advice that requires one to be licensed in that field. If you are experiencing serious health or legal issues, you should consult with a qualified professional as I will not give advice on medical or legal issues.

⭐️ Take the first step on your journey of self-discovery, healing, and living your soul’s true purpose. Schedule your Reading Sesison today!

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