Questions to ask your spirit guides during an intuitive reading session

An intuitive reading will help you to learn about yourself, your situation, your patterns and your karmic energy so that you can understand what is happening to you and the energetic level, decide what you truly want in life, separate truth from illusion and alter your life path accordingly. It is an amazing way to learn about yourself so that you may live your life in alignment with your soul’s path.

At the start of each session, I will ask you why you wanted to see me and what aspects of your life’s journey you would like to get clarity on today.

Sometimes people are not quite sure exactly what information they are looking for, either because it is their first reading and they do not know what to expect or because they are having a hard time formulating the right question – they just feel that something needs clarity but are not sure exactly what.

In such cases it is best to leave it up to Spirit to decide what information is most relevant to you at this time. Simply ask me for a full Chakra Reading, sit back, listen, and take plenty of notes.

If you would like the reading to explore a particular feeling, relationship, event or situation, I have put together a guide that will help you narrow down your list of questions based on the feeling you are experiencing. However, you don’t have to come up with questions, you can simply describe what you are going through and ask for clarity – Spirit will me which questions to ask.

The below tables also show examples of things that a reading can help you understand or resolve. It is a good resource for those of you who are new to energy work. I bet you will find things there you did not think would be addressed within a reading.

This is not a complete list by any means, if you do not see your situation or question on the list, we can still talk about it.

Please keep in mind that the purpose of a reading is to share information so you can understand your situation better and then make informed choices. Although a reading can be very healing in itself, we do not perform any actual healing work within the reading session.

For example, during out reading session we may talk about a traumatic experience, I may give you some suggestions and tools you can take home with you, but we do not take active steps to resolve the trauma.

If you would like to make changes in your energy body (heal a past life, let go of a traumatic imprint, call back pieces of your soul, remove cords, attachment, heal your inner child, connect with your heart space, call in your ancestors etc,) then you would need to schedule an Energy Healing. A healing takes 2 hours and it includes a reading in it.

To get the most out of you reading, I recommend that you take notes during the session as there is always a lot of information shared and some of it may not make sense until some time passes.

General Questions

Feeling Potential Questions
I feel something is going on with me but I am not sure what.

A chakra reading is the best way to gain clarity on such feelings. A Chakra Reading will explore the following questions and more:

What is going on in my chakras and my energy body?
Where is my energy blocked?
What untapped resources or strengths do I have?
Do I have energetic leaks? What are they?
Why are they there?
How do I go about correcting blocks and leaks and how do I connect to my resources?  
What is out of balance in my energy body and how can I bring it back into balance?

I feel there’s something magical about me but not sure what it is.

What is going on in my chakras?
What are my innate abilities and resources?
What am I doing right in my life?
How do I connect to the spirit world?

I feel the spirit world wants to tell me something but I am not sure what?

What is it that I need to know?
What do I need to heal, release, learn in order to receive clear messages?
Is there anything within my soul or my physical expression which needs attention, balance or release? 

I would like to explore a specific problem, situation or experience.

What is going on in my chakras and my energy body in regards to this situation?
How is this situation impacting me, what is my role in this, what is my lesson and what do I need to heal within myself to resolve this issue and to prevent it from repeating?

A chakra reading is the best way to gain clarity on such things. Generally, all you need to do is describe the situation and explain what aspects of the situation you need clarity on and why and then listen to the information that comes through.

As a general rule, many of the below questions will be answered during a chakra reading but you can ask them specifically too.

Did the problem begin in this lifetime? 
If so, what is the cause? (Is it hereditary or environmental?
Is there an opinion or belief that I held or am still holding that is contributing to this situation? Is this belief actually mine?
What lesson can I learn from this particular problem and how is it assisting my soul’s growth? 
What other information can you give me to help shift my current perspective and move toward resolution and healing?   
Did the problem begin in another lifetime?
If so, what are its causes and conditions?   
How and why did I carry the problem into this current lifetime?  
If the problem has served its purpose and usefulness, how can I let it go?  
If I still need to work on the problem in this lifetime, what do I need to know in order to resolve it? 
What do I need to do to prevent this issue from repeating?

I feel I need to explore my past lives

Think about an issue you are experiencing or a goal you are working toward and ask:   How is a past life affecting/contributing to this issue?  
How can knowledge of a past life help me resolve this issue or reach my goal?    

I want to feel more confident. 

What is blocking me from stepping into my power?  
How do I release these blocks?   What good things about myself am I not seeing?  
What can I do to improve my ability to trust myself?

I am aware that I am changing my life but I am not sure about what’s happening and why, I just feel different.
What is going on in my chakras and my energy body?
A chakra reading is the best way to gain clarity on such feelings. 
I feel so lonely. 

How do I find connection with others, with God, with myself?  
What creates this feeling of loneliness?  
What is the lesson of “lonely” teaching me?  
Am I actually lonely or is it something else?

I feel scared.

What am I scared of?   
What creates fear that I am not aware of?   
How do I shift this fear?

I am worried about my family. 

What do I need to understand about my role in family?
What do I need to shift around my beliefs about family?
Am I overstepping any boundaries?
Do I need to be involved in this or should I let them work out their own issue?
Am I meddling, if so, why can’t I just let them be? W
here are my boundaries being violated?
Where am I violating boundaries of other people?

I am struggling in relationship with my partner/spouse.

You can ask for a chakra reading of a relationship. I will look at the energetic connections between you and your partner and will share what is happening at each chakra connection.

You can also ask the following:
What is the primary energy (emotion) in this relationship?
Where am I stuck in the relationship? 
How am I contributing to the struggle?
Is this a pattern for me, if so, what can I do in order to heal it?
What is my lesson in this and what do I need to do in order to learn my lesson and not have to repeat it?

I feel empty inside.

Why do I feel empty, where is the disconnect? 
Where do I go to not feel so empty? 
What is missing? 
What do I not understand?

I feel unfocused. 

Where am I not looking at in my life?
How is being unfocused benefitting me?
What is keeping my attention from what I want? 
Where do I need to turn my attention?

I feel sad. 

What is the source of my sadness? 
Is my sadness a symptom of a deeper issue or feeling?

My kids won’t listen to me. 

Is it true that my kids don’t hear me? 
What is my contribution to this issue?
How can I shift what I say so that my kids listen to me?

I am frustrated with my children.

What is the root issue of my frustration with my kids?
What can I do to shift the relationship with my kids so that we are all happy? What aspect of myself need healing?

I am so tired. 

A chakra reading is the best way to gain clarity on this feeling.

You can also ask the following questions:

Where is my energy going?
What are my energetic block and leaks and how do I correct them?
Where can I get more energy?

I’m tired of going to therapy, nothing is happening.

A chakra reading is the best way to gain clarity on this feeling.  

Also, ask for a cord, attachment, entity scan.

Sometimes therapy will workout the issue in your mind, but will fail to address the energetic component of the issue. The problem itself may be gone but the energy of it may be in your body. If this is the case then a healing would be advisable.

I’m not happy with my physical body.

What is my body trying to tell me?
How is my body helping me function in this world?
What do I get started with new habits that will heal my body?
What do I need to learn/do/release/accept/bring in so that I can love my body unconditionally?

I don’t feel like I belong on Earth. 

Why do I have this feeling? 
What can I do to feel more connected?

Trauma / Healing:

Feeling Potential Questions
I want to look at this traumatic experience. 

Describe the trauma and ask for a chakra reading to see how this experience affects your energy and what you can do to heal from this trauma.

Please note that a reading will provide you with information and resources but it will not heal the actual trauma. If you would like to heal and release the trauma, then ask for an Energy Healing.

An event happened in my childhood and I feel like it still holds me back.

Why am I still holding on, how is this keeping me safe?
What do I need to do to release this once and for all?

Please note that a reading will provide you with information and resources but it will not heal the actual trauma. If you would like to heal and release the trauma, then ask for an Energy Healing with a focus on Inner Child Healing.

I have periods of my life I don’t remember. 

Is it relevant to my current healing process to remember these times?
Is it time to remember?
Is it possible to find healing without remembering?

If you would like to explore and try to remember those periods in your life, ask for an Energy Healing.

WARNING: I do not recommend asking any psychic/intuitive reader to tell you what happened without having a way to support you through the experience. There is a reason you do not remember and getting this information without having tools to deal with it and without support is dangerous. In other words, if you want to know information about things you do not remember, ask for an Energy Healing instead of a reading.

I feel stuck, like something is holding me back. 

What is holding me back and how can I release?
How is being stuck serving me?
If you would like to remove that which is keeping you stuck, ask for an Energy Healing.

I am afraid of flying, the dark, (insert fear). 

Why do I have this fear?
What can I do to release?
If you would like help releasing a fear or a phobia, ask for an Energy Healing.

My heart feels trapped or contracted. 

Why am I feeling this way, what am I not seeing?
What is going on in my other chakras that is influencing this?
What can I do to release this feeling in my heart?
How is having a closed heart serving me right now?

I don’t have feelings. Or I have hard time identifying my feelings.

What stands between me and my feelings? 
How is not feeling protecting or serving me?
How do I “befriend” my feeling?

If you would like to explore your feelings, ask for an Energy Healing Session with a focus on connecting and talking to your feelings.

I constantly say negative things about myself.

Who taught me to do this?
How an I benefitting from the negative self-talk?
What will happen if I stop doing this?
What is the first step I should take to stop this behavior?


Feeling Potential Questions
I feel really good about my relationship with my partner.

What do I offer and receive in this relationship? 
What is the dynamic of our relationship? 
How do we support each other in growth both in the relationship and individually?

I feel ready to have a deeper relationship with my partner.

What can I understand, release, or support to expand our relationship? 
Is there anything standing in our way of a deeper relationship?
What is our chakra connection like?

I want to understand my relationship with my partner.

What do I offer and receive within this partnership?
What can I understand, shift or release to improve this relationship?
What pattern am I repeating?
What lesson am I learning?
How do we connect to each other energetically and is it healthy?
What are our patterns and archetype?

I feel like I’ve lost connection with my partner.

Where am I right now in relationship with my partner?
What is the disconnection really about? 
How is this disconnect benefitting me right now?
Is this a part of a pattern?
What can I release or understand about this relationship?
What can I do (if anything) to restore this connection?

My partner makes mean, critical   comments about me.

Why am I in a relationship with a person who is mean to me? Why am I allowing my boundaries to be violated?
How do I heal myself or what do I need to learn so that this dynamic does not repeat in the next relationship?
Is my partner actually criticizing me or am I projecting negative my feeling toward myself?

My partner is having an affair.

What is the truth of this affair for me? 
Did I subconsciously choose a cheater, if so, why?
What is my lesson in this? 
How do I heal myself from this?

I am afraid of my partner. 

Please note that domestic abuse takes many forms and can happen to anyone. If you feel that you may be in a domestic violence situation, please let me know during the session and I will connect you to someone who can help.

I feel I am at the end of the relationship with my partner.

What is my role in this situation?
What is my lesson?
What do I need to heal within myself so the problem does not repeat with a new partner?
How do I go about finding healing for myself?  

I want more clarity about my relationship.

What am I meant to learn from this soul connection? 
What are our soul level agreements, if any? 
How do our previous lifetimes affect this relationship? 
What are my primary life lessons from this relationship? 
What is one past life block or restriction that’s affecting my choices in this lifetime.

Soul Expression and Possibilities:

Feeling Potential Questions
I want to understand my soul’s purpose or mission.

What types of memories does my soul remember the most?
Are they from lifetime on earth or other places?
What am I here on earth to explore and learn? 
How do I go about finding my purpose? 
How can move toward achieving this purpose?
If you would like to explore your soul’s purpose, ask for an Energy Healing with a focus on soul exploration.

I feel like I keep doing things which don’t help me.

Why am I self-sabotaging myself?
What patterns no longer serve? 
What do I receive for holding this pattern?
How am I benefiting from these negative things?
How can I let go of these patterns?

I feel my soul calling to me and am not sure what is being said.

Where do I hear my soul calling? 
How can I respond to the call? 
What is the call about for me in this moment?

I feel like something about my soul is holding me back.

Does my soul carry any bindings which I need to know about and release now? 
Are there unfinished soul or karmic contracts?
How can I release these or what do I need to do so I can release these?

Ask for an Energy Healing session with a focus on soul retrieval.


Feeling Potential Questions
I love what I do, but there is no joy. 

Why do I not experience joy in my work?

I hate my boss. 

Why am I triggered by my boss? 
What do I subconsciously expect from my boss?
What is my lesson in this relationship?
How does the relationship with my boss play into the bigger picture of my life?
Is this a pattern?
What do I need to understand about myself and my boss in order to improve our relationship?

I don’t like my co-workers.

How do I compare myself to them? 
What do I need to understand about my relationship with them?
What is it about my co-workers that triggers me? Is this a pattern? How do I go about finding common ground with my co-workers?
Are my boundaries being violated, am I overstepping other people’s boundaries?
How is my communication style contributing to the lack of connection with my co-workers?

My boss likes my coworker more than me.

Is this actually true or is it just my perception?
Why do I need my boss’s approval?
Who else do I need approval from?
How am I contributing to this situation?
Is this a pattern? What does this situation trigger in me?
What fears arise as a result of this?
How do I go about finding common language with my boss so that I get equal treatment as my co-worker?

I don’t like my job.

What exactly don’t I like? 
What keeps me from doing the job that I like?
Is my job a mirror for something else in my life?
How do I go about finding joy in my job? Is it the job or is it me that I don’t like?

I want another job. 

What do I hope to get from another job? 
What will be better?
Is there anything I need to heal so that the same situation does not repeat?
Am I trying to run away from something?

I can’t wait for the day to end. 

What do I need to let go of?
What do I think is at home that isn’t at work?
Where am I loosing power?

Ask for a Chakra Reading with a focus on your professional life.

I hope tomorrow will be better. 

What keeps me from being in the present moment?
Where do I need to focus?
Where am I losing power today?
What do I need to heal or shift within myself to make tomorrow better than today?

I’m tired of this job. 

What else isn’t good enough in my life?
What would a new job bring me? What is this job a mirror for?

I want a promotion. 

How would a promotion fulfill me?
What is keeping me from asking/getting for a promotion?

I have always done well, but things are slow.

Why do I feel things are slow? 
What can I shift or release to get my work/business moving?
What am I ignoring that would be helpful to acknowledge?
Is slow actually bad? How to make the best of this slow time?

Is there something about your journey you would like to get clarity on? Would having the answers to the above questions help you travel through life a little easier?

Schedule your personal intuitive reading session and get the answers you need!

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