Channeled Reading

Discover deeper insights into your soul’s journey and purpose through a Channeled Reading with Ra-Ja, a compassionate spirit guide from the angelic realm. This session offers guidance to align with your higher purpose, uncover spiritual gifts, and embrace your true path.

  • ✅ Understand the steps needed to align with your higher purpose
  • ✅ Uncover the spiritual gifts you are meant to share with the world
  • ✅ Step confidently into your true path and reach your highest potential
  • ✅ Align with your soul’s purpose and the wisdom of the angelic realm


✅ Helps you understand your current challenges and find the best solution

✅ Focuses on your life here and now

✅ Provides direction on what to do next to improve your life on earth


✅ Helps you understand your higher purpose, spiritual gifts, and why you are here

✅ Focuses on your soul’s journey through many lifetimes

✅ Provides guidance that supports your soul’s growth and spiritual evolution

How to schedule your session

📅 Click on the ‘BOOK YOUR SESSION’ button below. Select ‘Channeled Reading’ from the list and click the ‘BOOK NOW’ button and complete the payment process. The system will take you to my calendar, where you can schedule your appointment day and time. If you do not see a time slot that works for you, please email me with your availability.

You can pay with any credit card or PayPal.

60 minutes – $195

Ra-ja is a collection of energies from a high vibrational real, an unseen friend, with whom I have a special bond and connection. This relationship allows Ra-ja to speak and write through me. Ra-ja also assists me during energy readings, healings and when I teach class.

Watch this video to hear Ra-Ja’s explanation of what she is.

Ra-Ja guides you through a relaxing meditation

In this video I explain what vocal channeling is and introduce Ra-ja, my guide

Watch this YouTube playlist to hear Ra-Ja’s messages, gain profound insights, and start aligning with your highest potential

Your Experience

We can meet remotely over Zoom or in-person in my Laguna Niguel, CA office.

1️⃣ We discuss your intention, why you are here, and what you would like to get out of this session.

2️⃣ I connect with my Spirit Guide, Raja, and ask you to state your name three times

3️⃣ Ra-Ja speaks directly to you through me, offering insights and guidance tailored to your spiritual journey

4️⃣ You can ask her questions if you like

How to schedule your session

📅 Click on the ‘BOOK YOUR SESSION’ button below. Select ‘Channeled Reading’ from the list and click the ‘BOOK NOW’ button sand complete the payment process. The system will take you to my calendar, where you can schedule your appointment day and time. If you do not see a time slot that works for you, please email me with your availablility.

You can pay with any credit card or PayPal.

60 minutes – $195