Ancestral Healing

Heal wounds, traumas, and unresolved issues that have been passed down through generations within your family or community. Access the wisdom, knowledge, and resilience that have been accumulated over generations. Forge a relationship with your Ancestral Spirit Guides.

You do not need to know your family’s history. Just share how you are feeling, what is happening in your life, and your goals. I can look into your family’s past and understand their stories by connecting with your energy and consulting your Spirit Guides.

This session will help you:

Release Trauma:

Release limiting beliefs, negative patterns, fears, and phobias that you inherited from your ancestors

Personal Growth:

Reveal and integrate the power, knowledge, and wisdom that runs through your DNA

Spiritual Guidance:

Meet and create a relationship with your Ancestral Spirit Guides

Our Goal

The goal of the session is to address your issue at its source, helping you resolve it permanently so you can move forward toward positive growth and success.

How to schedule your session:

📅 Click on the ‘BOOK YOUR SESSION’ button below. Select ‘Ancestral Healing’ from the list and click the ‘BOOK NOW’ button and complete the payment process. The system will take you to my calendar, where you can schedule your appointment day and time. You can pay with any credit card or PayPal.

120 minutes – $295

*If you do not see a time slot that works for you, email me with your availability.

shamanic healing

I always felt like my ancestors are watching me and want to help me. A very specific ancestor came through in my session and passed her healing gifts down to me. This experience changed my life. Now I am confident in following my true calling to be a shamanic healer.

Norah M. – Mexico City, Mexico

Your Experience

We can meet remotely over Zoom or in-person in my Laguna Niguel, CA office.

1️⃣ We discuss your intention – what you want to achieve from the session and how you would like to improve your current life. Then you lie down and relax.

2️⃣ We connect with your Spirit Guides to find the ancestor responsible for the negative pattern or trauma you’re healing. We then clear these issues at their source and remove karmic patterns from your energy field. Additionally, we identify the hidden strengths and talents within your bloodline and integrate them into your present life.

3️⃣ We finish the session by making sure there are no leftover traces of the issues we addressed, clearing your aura and chakras. We also help you bring the lessons and strengths you’ve gained from this experience into your current life.

How my sessions differ from classical hypnotherapy

Because I am a shamanic healer, my training has equipped me to access your ancestral energy and facilitate its healing. It’s important to note that this approach is distinct from hypnotherapy. Unlike hypnotherapy, which focuses on the subconscious mind, shamanic healing works on a broader spiritual and energetic level, aiming to restore balance and harmony in all areas of your life.

You do not need to know your family’s history, I can get this information from your energy field.

More Info

I have written several articles about ancestral healing, including my own experiences. They are in the Blog section of this website. Here are the links:

How to schedule your session:

📅 Click on the ‘BOOK YOUR SESSION’ button below. Select ‘Ancestral Healing’ from the list and click the ‘BOOK NOW’ button and complete the payment process. The system will take you to my calendar, where you can schedule your appointment day and time. You can pay with any credit card or PayPal.

120 minutes – $295

*If you do not see a time slot that works for you, email me with your availability.

shamanic healing

Dina channeled some truths through my ancestors that she had ABSOLUTELY NO WAY of knowing. I was shocked and grateful and a sense of deep relief washed over me after Dina’s work was done

Nellia F. – Corpus Christi, TX

Follow me on Instagram: @Dina_Kleiman