The more I know the less I understand

I used to be really smart.

If several years ago you’d had asked me about how energy healing works, I would have given you a very logical and detailed answer. I would have broken down the process step by step, I would have explained how each step is done and why it works. I remember how everything was so neatly laid out in my head. It totally made sense.

But the more I do this work of an energy healer the more I realize that its power defies all logic. Seriously, how can an hour or two shift the foundation of one’s life? Yet time after time I see results and my brain cannot explain why or how they came to be. I marvel at the speed at which shifts happened and at their permanency. 

I suppose I could say that having experience as an energy healer has given me confidence to trust things that my brain cannot understand. It also diminished my need to rationalize and explain everything, especially to myself.

Now when people ask me how energy healing works, I do the same as my good friend the acupuncture doctor, I shrug my shoulders and say “I don’t really know, I’ve just seen it work over and over on many people.”

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