How to find happiness

I asked the cards to offer advice to those reading this post regarding their personal and professional journeys toward their own definition of happiness. The following cards came up. Scroll down to see the meaning.

Short answer:

Look at the path you have set for yourself, as in: in order to be happy/successful/fulfilled/safe/abundant/etc., I must do xyz. Realize that the path and the desired outcome you picked is one of many possible combinations of paths and outcomes that may all be equally good or equally bad. Also, recognize that the path you are on may not have been created by you, but rather, has been adopted by you and is based on things you have been taught regarding survival, safety, and socially accepted behavior.

Exploring the message deeper:

Explore your insecurities and desire for comfort, acceptance and protection. See how your need to feel safe creates walls around you and in effect imprisons you. Let go of your own pre-conceived definition of the right and the wrong way to do something.

The soil is tilled, the garden is planted, the harvest is collected and then the land is tilled again. Do not be attached to planting the same seeds each season. Stop and review your harvest.

What did it take you to get here? What did you lose? Did what you plant turn out as expected?

Collect your harvest and reap the reward. But do not start another garden. Hold onto the sickle for you are not done. You grew a good garden but it is not enough to satisfy your needs. There’s something else you are not seeing and something else you have not yet destroyed.

How to see what you are missing: In your meditation, invoke the spirit of Deer. Ask Deer to help you release any resentments, grudges, or judgments about someone. Seek out safe, nurturing situations and people to help you reset. Create the feeling of safety in your heart and from that space, ask yourself whether you should stay the current course or shift directions.

Also ask if you need a plan at all. For a plan is a nice thing to have, but it is also limiting.

Would you like to know more? Schedule a personal intuitive reading session.

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